I want to ask you a question today. When was the last time you had your family portraits taken? I don't mean the last time you were together and aunt Millie* took her point and shoot and told you to smile. I mean the last time that you met with someone who was concerned about what your family heirloom would look like? I mean getting together with a professional and having them capture images that you could display proudly throughout your home for years to come. I mean having a work of art of your family hanging in your home.
If you have to think about it, it's been too long. If it was when your youngest son turned 2, and he's now 25, it's been too long. More then likely, it's been too long.
I wanted to share this with anyone who takes the time to read this, that your family portraits are what you will have to show your posterity. With these troubled times there is no certainty as to what tomorrow will bring, so it's important we can have these memories of our families with us.