Well we finally made it. After having a dealership look at our Van, they figured out that it was a spark plug that came loose.  Not only that, but there were two more that were loose. We had a local shop service the Van for around $500 the Thursday before we left and part of what they did was replace the spark plugs and wires. Now I won't yet say who they are because I haven't talked to them on the phone about taking care of the expense incurred due to their error. But as soon as I hear anything I'll let you know, good OR bad.
Here are our little ones on the Colorado/Utah border. They had a nice spot to pull off to the side of the road and walk up to the sign. We are taking pictures at each state sign we go by for a memory book when the kids get older so they know where and when they've been to each state. We've had great weather so far and are looking forward to the remainder of our time here.