I took this weekend to head out in the rain to do a little target shooting. I had quite a fun time and have since realized that not everyone is able to head out and shoot their .22's as much as they want since it has been so hard to find ammunition on the store shelves. So, I've decided to dip into my personal ammo can and bring out a box of 225 22 Golden Bullets and give them away. I wish I could share more but I'm lucky enough I can share these. I can only hope they go to a good home. Someone who wants to teach their kids gun safety or those who love to shoot cans with their kids on the weekends or maybe to someone who needs to get rid of too many squirrels on their farm.
So, if you are selected and are local, you can pick them up, if you are not local, I can find out how to ship them to you.
What's the catch? Not much of one. Like our FanPage on Facebook HERE, Like the image and share it. Hopefully we get the word out and we can make these reach someone who needs them.
I will draw a random name from the list of those who shared the image and liked my page on May 1st 2013 and will notify the selected individual. Please check your local laws before entering.
Remember, this is not a contest. Just trying to share and help others out.